Universal one-payer health care elevator pitch
What it is, why we need it, and how it will help. All in 30 seconds!
You need health care
But you pay too much and get too little
Private (commercial) insurers survive only by prioritizing their profits over your health needs.
Private insurance consumes up to 1/3 of your health care dollars as it pays for billing, marketing, and middleman salaries.
Americans spend more than twice as much for health care compared to other industrialized countries - all of which have universal health care.
Consider one-payer universal health care
Publicly administered
A nonprofit system owned by taxpayers - we the people - not profiteers. Clinics, doctors, and hospitals will remain privately run, but without middlemen insurance companies.
Covers all medically necessary services including hospitalization, doctor visits, mental health, prescription drugs, dental, vision, hearing aids, medical supplies, lab tests, ambulance service, reproductive care, rehab, substance abuse and long-term care.
Covers all residents “from cradle to grave”, regardless of luck, immigration status, age, health, income, employment, marital status, home location, or sexual orientation.
Entrepreneurs can leave their jobs to pursue innovative ideas without the fear of losing health insurance. Businesses must no longer pay overhead costs to supply employees with health coverage.
Choose the doctor, clinic, and care you want without interference. All decisions are made between you and your doctor. Insurance companies can no longer deny claims for treatment.
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