What is universal health care and how can you fight for it?
Let’s get started!
Don’t know where to begin? Here are some ways to jump in!
Five-Minute Advocacy
Busy, but want to help out? Take 5 minutes to add your name to the petition in support of the State-Based Universal Health Care Act! The act is currently in congress, and will empower states to create their own universal health care systems.
Universal Health Care 101 - in 30 Seconds
Want more information? Read our elevator pitch for universal one-payer health care and you’ll have all the knowledge you need to get started as an advocate.
Join One Payer States
Want to take your advocacy to the next level? Join One Payer States! There is no experience necessary. You’ll be added to the email list, join the conversation, and have the option participate in our work groups, from education and advocacy, to digital outreach, to policy.
Don’t have time? Donate!
If you want to support our work, you can donate directly to One Payer States. Our donors empower all the work we do!
Join our Discord server
One Payer States has a Discord server open to long-time members and newcomers. Hop on the server, introduce yourself in the Join channel, and we’ll be happy to chat, answer any questions you may have, and help you advocate for universal care.
Find local advocacy groups
Want to volunteer in your local area? We work with state and local organizations across the country. Check out our state advocacy page to find groups that fight for universal health care close to home.
Upcoming Events