"State-Based Universal Health Care Act” (H.R. 6270)
The “State-Based Universal Health Care Act” (SBUHCA) makes it easier for states to create and fund a comprehensive universal health care plan by allowing a waiver of some federal rules. To waive requirements for a federal program, the state plan must have benefits equal to or greater than those that the beneficiaries of the federal healthcare program would otherwise receive. A group of states can also submit a joint plan. This bill was introduced in late 2023 by U.S. Representative Ro Khanna (CA-17) as H.R. 6270.
Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) allows states to innovate, but it does not go far enough. SBUHCA amends the ACA with a 1335 super-waiver, which provides additional federal support for states to develop their own universal healthcare plans. Section 1335 makes it easier for states to model systems and build toward a national healthcare plan.
What SBUHCA does:
Allows states to get federal waivers for a universal, simple, and affordable (USA) plan.
Mandates that participating states guarantee healthcare coverage for at least 95% of residents in the first 5 years.
Requires any state-based plan to have benefits equal to or greater than those that the beneficiaries of federal healthcare programs now receive.
Allows groups of states to come together for joint plans. Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) does not.
Enables states to integrate Medicare funds into a state plan. Section 1332 does not.
Gives access to an ERISA waiver to reduce legal challenges to a state plan. Section 1332 does not. This gives states more legal certainty in legislative efforts.
Creates an HHS Secretary-appointed Independent Assessment Panel, composed of members recommended by political leaders of both parties, health care provider groups, and a patient advocate [see Section 2 (g) (4) of H.R. 6270]. This panel will review and provide the state and the Secretary recommendations regarding waiver approval or disapproval. By contrast, Section 1332 leaves the review process up to the HHS Secretary.
Paves the way to nationally guaranteed universal, simple, affordable (USA), and equitable health care.
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