
June 1, 2023 By

Contributions from One Payer States

State-based SP organizations

The American Health Security Project  https://americanhealthsecurityproject.org

Commonsense Health Care for Utah https://commonsensehealthcareutah.org

State-based SP bills:


Rather than seek a legislative strategy, American Health Security Project (AHSP) seeks to place a citizens’ initiative on Utah’s ballot which will enact a law that will streamline private health insurance into a centrally managed financier of health care services.

The goal of the AHSP is legislation that establishes a comprehensive system of health care that is non-profit and publicly funded.  It should include essential benefits such as dental, vision, audiology, and mental health services, be universal, and must remove all financial barriers from seeking care.

Obstacles to SP in the current context

Healthcare advocates have been at a disadvantage. For-profit insurers and pharmaceutical companies have the ability through Super PACs to pour millions into fighting against Medicare for All and State-Based universal healthcare bills. It is overdue that we level the playing field and create a super PAC for M4A.

Advantages for SP in the current context

 Goals for SP movement in UT 2023-25

ASHP is taking their message to all corners of the state–to conferences, festivals, cottage meetings and events.

They are soliciting personal stories for a library of videotaped “health stories.” https://commonsensehealthcareutah.org/your-stories/

Where can people find news about Single Payer in your state and/or join (or donate to) a group? 



‪(801) 810-5007 (Ogden, UT)