Corporate-Controlled Healthcare
Insurance Industry
Dr. Stephen Kemble, Chuck Pennacchio PhD, Video of Presentation on CT Medicaid
Medical Assistance Program Oversight Committee, Department of Social Services, January 8, 2021.
The COVID-19 public health emergency has resulted in increased participation in HUSKY Health, Connecticut’s self-insured, managed fee-for-service Medicaid program, which has affected service utilization, impacting the financial trends presented.Harvard Health Law & Policy Innovation, Comparison of Medicaid, Connecticut, Minnesota
Mr. Sheldon Toubman J.D., How Connecticut Eliminated Managed Care in Medicaid
Dr. Stephen Kemble, Capitation in ACO REACH worsens disparities
Dr. Stephen Kemble, Comments on CMS Innovation “AHEAD” Model
Mr. Jeff Johnson, National Plan to Terminate ACO-REACH & Privatization in Medicare
Payment Systems
Dr. Michael Huntington, Testimony for the OHPB December 3, 2024
Dr. Stephen Kemble, Capitation in ACO REACH worsens disparities
Dr. Stephen Kemble & Dr. James Kahn, Supplement, Detailed Critique of Current Payment Methods
Dr. Stephen Kemble & Kip Sullivan J.D., Hospital Payment Under Single-Payer Proposals
Dr. Stephen Kemble, Optimizing physician payment for a single-payer system
Kip Sullivan J.D., Risk Adjustment in the Medicare Advantage Program
State-Based Universal Health Care Act
Charlie Swanson, PhD, What is the State-Based Universal Health Care Act
For the General Public: Why the State-Based Universal Health Care Act appeals to the general public